How we came to be.
“Hi, my name is Tobi T and I am…”
The 9 words above are the reason these materials exist. No need to speak too much about my own addictions (notice the “s”; I’m a multi-platform winner) because this endeavor is about service. Service to my own recovery – because, as the rooms have taught me, “I am worth it” – and service to others because, as the rooms have taught me, it’s critical to carry this message to others who are still suffering.

But what is the message being carried?
Laughter heals. Smiles are necessary. Humor is a powerful and foundational ingredient of recovery. Et cetera…
My own rock bottom was so black, so dark, so right at the edge of suicide that there wasn’t a crack of laughing light anywhere to be found. But after working the twelve steps, I noticed something. I don’t know when it happened and I don’t know how it happened but suddenly my whole plight was ridiculous. Hysterically preposterous! Not the entirety, of course, but certainly my thinking. And if it wasn’t so tragic and painful, it would have been funny right away. But once the tragedy and pain began to calm down, the sunlight found in humor began to return.
Me: I’m a worthless piece of shit. God found that idea simply hilarious because it was so untrue. Of course, I believed the lie and found not a shred of humor in the sentiment.
Me: I’m a complete and total failure who had zero chance at forgiveness or redemption? Higher Power almost fell out of his chair laughing at how side-splittingly wrong I was about myself and my life. Yet, me, I was too deep in the fog of my addiction to hear anything other than these falsehoods.
Fact is, I held a thousand delusionary stories about me and another ten thousand nutball stories about others that were just flat out warped.
Me: I’m such a reprehensible low-life I don’t even deserve to laugh or smile or even feel good at all.
Talk about sick! That was me. But now it’s not. Why? Because of the 12 steps.(NOTE: When I say “and now it’s not” I mean at least not nearly as much; I’ll always be an addict with stinkin’ thinkin’.)
3 Big Takeaway Points:
- I had no idea how much I needed to smile.
- I had no idea how healing smiles could be to my life.
- I had no idea how many others felt the exact same way about themselves as I did.
So that’s how 12 Step Smiles was born and this is why 12 Step Smiles exists. The mission is simple: bring a smile into the heart of someone who is suffering from addiction and allow the magic of humor to be a vehicle that helps them along on their journey of recovery.
YOU CAN HELP! And I hope you do help. Go ahead, ask HP right now if you should help. It doesn’t cost a nickel. It’s actually quite simple to assist the mission: just share these offerings.
Spread the word, spread the smiles, spread the recovery. After all, if you made it this far into reading this material you 1) are probably in recovery yourself and 2) probably know someone who is also in recovery that could benefit from a small taste of joy.
Please share these smiles with others.
Beyond that, take what you like, leave the rest. Oh yeah, keep coming back because it works if you work it and you’re worth it.
In gratitude,
Tobi T
Who We Serve
Whether you’re just beginning your path or have been on this journey for years, you are in the right spot. 12 Step Smiles has been designed to help you – no matter who YOU are – connect with hope, joy, inspiration, lunacy and laughter.
Everyone is Welcome!
It doesn’t matter which recovery program you’re in—Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), Debtors Anonymous (DA) or any other program – and there are a lot of other programs. We honor and respect all paths to recovery.
Support for Family and Friends: We understand that recovery touches not only those who are struggling with addiction but also the people who care about them. To that end we always extend our smiles to families and friends – they need laughter, too.
The Research on Smiling and Recovery
The Journey from Despair to Joy is possible!
For many individuals in addiction recovery, the path begins at rock bottom, where despair and isolation dominate. In these early stages, laughter and smiles might seem like distant memories. However, as one engages in recovery programs and begins to rebuild their life, even small moments of humor can signal the start of transformation.
- Early Recovery: In the initial phases, sharing personal stories—even those that evoke a small, knowing smile—can validate experiences and reduce the overwhelming weight of self-blame.
- Mid-Recovery: As trust and connection grow within the community, laughter emerges as a common thread, transforming shared pain into shared resilience.
- Later Recovery: Over time, the consistent practice of finding joy in everyday moments, even amid challenges, marks the return of genuine smiles and a renewed sense of hope. This emotional healing reinforces the commitment to a sober, joyful life.
By integrating laughter and smiling into the recovery process, individuals can not only alleviate the immediate burdens of stress and depression but also lay the groundwork for a supportive, resilient, and joyful recovery.
The Science of Smiling: Research clearly indicates that laughter and smiling can be powerful tools in addiction recovery, contributing in a very positive manner both psychologically and physiologically. Here is an overview of some of the key research-based benefits 12 Step Smiles aspires to deliver:
12 Step Smiles Aspires to Bring a Reduction of Stress and Anxiety
- Lower Cortisol Levels: Laughter has been shown to reduce the production of cortisol—a stress hormone that can exacerbate anxiety and trigger cravings.
- Relaxation Response: Smiling and laughter promote a state of relaxation, helping to ease the physical and mental tension that often accompanies recovery.
12 Step Smiles Aspires to Bring Positive Mood Enhancement
- Natural “Feel-Good” Chemicals: Laughing triggers the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers and mood lifters. This surge in endorphins can create feelings of well-being and reduce discomfort during withdrawal or stressful moments in recovery.
- Improved Mood: Regular episodes of laughter help counteract symptoms of depression and anxiety, fostering a more positive outlook that is crucial for maintaining sobriety.
12 Step Smiles Aspires to Help Strengthen Your Immune System
- Boosted Immunity: Studies have shown that laughter can increase immune cells and antibodies, which helps the body fight off infections. This is particularly beneficial during recovery when overall health may be compromised.
12 Step Smiles Aspires to Bring Enhanced Social Connection and Support
- Building Relationships: Laughter is inherently social. Sharing a laugh can build trust and camaraderie among peers, which is vital in group settings like 12-step programs where mutual support plays a key role.
- Reducing Isolation: For many in recovery, isolation is a major challenge. Laughter helps break down barriers, making it easier to connect with others and form a supportive network.
12 Step Smiles Aspires to Bring Clearer Thinking
- Improved Cognitive Functions: Laughter can improve neurological endeavors such as creativity and problem-solving, which are essential for developing new coping strategies.
- Beneficial Behaviors: The act of laughing and seeking out humor can serve as behavioral activation, motivating individuals to participate in social activities and hobbies that enrich their lives without relying on substances.
These are the CTA’s I’d like throughout the site